

Our Italian home provides us with incredible variety.

Our King valley home makes them shine.

We believe the King Valley is the perfect place outside of Italy to cultivate Italian varieties with a unique identity. 

Our home is filled with remarkable diversity—geographically, topographically, and climactically. Our approach to winemaking here is to capture this diversity and create a distinct nuance within our range of Italian varieties—to create a range that truly reflects every nook and cranny of this land.

Here, we take inspiration from the traditions of our Italian heritage and bring them to life through the unique landscape of our home here in the King Valley. 

We select both prolific and rare Italian varieties that thrive in these conditions. Our grapes are delicately cradled by the warmth of the sun during the day, and then in the evening, they’re gently cooled by the King Valley doctor… the invigorating breeze that visits the valley every night. 

It’s the merging of these two worlds—worlds that are not so dissimilar—that make the wine created here so unique… and so enjoyable.


There is so much to see and do in the King Valley. Its fertile soils produce amazing wine and food, the diverse landscape is perfect for many outdoor pursuits and the climate makes it a delight to explore in every season.

From wineries, breweries and distilleries to cafes, restaurants and country pubs, to hiking, fishing and kayaking - there really is something for everyone in the King Valley - and there is more to discover every time you visit.

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